picture_as_pdf Secondary functional rhinoplasty
picture_as_pdf Therapeutic aspects of Binder's maxillonasal dysostosis
picture_as_pdf Anatomical and physio-pathological basis for surgical treatment of temporomandibular ankylosis
picture_as_pdf Some pitfalls in interpreting cephalometric teleradiographs
picture_as_pdf The three palatal fibro-mucosae
picture_as_pdf The role of the condyle in lower jaw growth and facial balance
picture_as_pdf Lip-glossopexy in Pierre Robin syndrome
picture_as_pdf Growth of the skull vault bones. General principles
picture_as_pdf Considerations on the pathogenesis of maxillary malformations in operated total cleft lips
picture_as_pdf Considerations on orbit development and its impact on facial growth
picture_as_pdf Considerations on the growth of the zygomato-malar region and its morphological anomalies
picture_as_pdf Consideration of glossoptosis in newborn Robin syndrome
picture_as_pdf Use of a vertical subnarrow bone graft in primary cleft palate osteoplasty
picture_as_pdf Considerations on facial growth (especially of the maxilla). Therapeutic deductions.
picture_as_pdf Making the “orthopedic mask
picture_as_pdf Developments in cleft lip and jaw cheiloplasty techniques (and study of some complementary procedures).
picture_as_pdf Some results of fronto-chinally supported extraoral tractions in the orthopaedic treatment of class Ill maxillo-mandibular malformations and the bony sequelae of cleft lip and jaw.
picture_as_pdf Considerations on the physiology of the temporomandibular meniscus
picture_as_pdf Considerations on premaxillary growth in men
picture_as_pdf Primary rhinoplasty for unilateral congenital cleft lip and palate
picture_as_pdf Influence of the soft palate on lingual statics and mandibular growth. Therapeutic deductions.
picture_as_pdf The fronto-maxillary joint. Theoretical bases and general principles for the application of extra-oral posterior-anterior forces on an orthopaedic mask.
picture_as_pdf Anatomy and physiology of the muscles and median frenulum of the upper lip. First results of selective electromyography
picture_as_pdf How the nasal septum influences premaxillary and maxillary growth. Deductions in lahio-maxillary cleft surgery.
picture_as_pdf Anatomy and pathophysiology of the maxillary anterior abutment and facial architecture
picture_as_pdf Inferior pedicle urano-staphylo-pharyngo-plasty technique
picture_as_pdf Clinical and radiographic aspects of maxillo-nasal dysostosis: “naso-maxillo-vertebral syndrome”.
picture_as_pdf Craniospinal hinge and cervical spine malformations associated with Binder's maxillonasal dysplasia
picture_as_pdf Secondary functional rhinoplasty