
Article 1 – Name

An association is formed among the members of these statutes, governed by the law of July 1, 1901, and the decree of August 16, 1901, under the title: JEAN DELAIRE INSTITUTE – INSTITUT JEAN DELAIRE

Article 2 – Purpose

The purpose of this association is to:

  • Teach and disseminate the Craniofacial Architectural and Structural Analysis method developed by Professor Jean Delaire in Dentofacial Orthopedics, Speech Therapy, Orofacial Physiotherapy, Maxillofacial Surgery, and any other medical-surgical specialty serving patients with dento-cranio-maxillofacial dysmorphoses;
  • Develop this analysis method, whether in 2D or 3D format, conventional or digital;
  • Support research and all scientific work (theses, dissertations, various diplomas) related to the Craniofacial Architectural and Structural Analysis method developed by Professor Jean Delaire;
  • Train practitioners in the aforementioned specialties in the use of the Delaire Evolution Software and its future versions;
  • Organize scientific meetings both in France and internationally;
  • Protect the intellectual message of Professor Jean Delaire as conveyed in his publications;
  • Take stakes in companies contributing to the above-mentioned actions.

Article 3 – Headquarters

The headquarters are located in NANTES (44000) – Nantes University Hospital – Clinic of Stomatology and Maxillofacial Surgery, 1 Place Alexis Ricordeau.
It may be relocated by simple decision of the board, with ratification required by the General Assembly.

Article 4 – Duration

The duration of the association is unlimited.

Article 5 – Membership Composition, Admission, and Annual Dues

  1. Composition
    The association is composed of active members, associate members, and honorary members.
  2. Admission
    Membership application to the association must be in written form. Admission of members is decided by the General Assembly (ordinary or extraordinary) by a two-thirds majority.
  3. Annual Dues
    Association members pay an annual fee set by the annual General Assembly.
    A contribution for participation in training sessions or scientific meetings may also be required, as determined by the ordinary general assembly.

Article 6 – Expulsion

Membership may be revoked by:

  • Written resignation;
  • Death;
  • Expulsion decided by the board for non-payment of the annual dues or for serious cause. The member in question will be invited by registered letter to explain themselves before the board and/or in writing.

Article 7 – Resources

The association’s resources include:

  1. Annual dues from its members;
  2. Fees collected for services provided by the association (work sessions/training);
  3. Donations;
  4. Subsidies;
  5. All resources authorized by current laws and regulations.

Article 8 – Ordinary General Assembly

The ordinary general assembly is composed of all members of the association and meets annually.

At least fifteen days prior to the set date, members are convened by the secretary. The agenda is included in the convocation. The president or their representative presides over the meeting, presenting the moral or operational status of the association. The treasurer reports on their management, presenting the annual accounts (balance sheet, income statement, and annex) for approval.

The general assembly sets the amount of annual dues and contributions for work sessions. Only items on the agenda can be addressed.

Decisions are made by a majority of members present or represented, with a two-thirds majority required for deliberations to be valid.

All decisions are made by a show of hands, except for the election of board members. General assembly decisions are binding on all members, including absentees or representatives.

Article 9 – Extraordinary General Assembly

If necessary, or upon request from half plus one of the registered members, the President may call an extraordinary general assembly, following the procedures in the statutes, exclusively for modifying the statutes, dissolution, or property-related matters.

The convocation procedures are the same as for the ordinary general assembly.
Deliberations require a two-thirds majority of members present or represented.

Article 10 – The Board

The association is managed by a board composed of:

  • 1 President
  • 1 Secretary
  • 1 Treasurer.

Board members are appointed for one year and are eligible for re-election.
The board is vested with the most extensive powers within the association’s purpose and resolutions adopted by the general assembly. It meets as necessary upon the president’s call or upon the request of a quarter of the board members.

Article 11 – Compensation

All functions, including those of board members, are voluntary and unpaid. Only expenses incurred in fulfilling their mandate are reimbursed upon submission of receipts. The financial report presented at the ordinary general assembly shows, by beneficiary, the reimbursement of mission, travel, or representation expenses.

Article 12 – Dissolution

In the event of dissolution according to the procedures set forth in Article 12, one or more liquidators are appointed, and the assets, if any, are distributed according to the decisions of the extraordinary general assembly that rules on the dissolution.

Article 13 – Donations

The annual report and accounts, as defined in Article 11 (including those of local committees), are sent annually to the Prefect of the department.

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